


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2015-12-23 22:41:12来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. J. H. Zeng, J. X. Li, H. Li, Q. F. Dai, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, “Effects of substrates on the nonlinear optical responses of two-dimensional materials,” Opt. Express 23 (25), 31818–31827 (2015).

  2. J. H. Zeng, M. H. Yuan, W. G. Yuan, Q. F. Dai, H. H. Fan, S. Lan*, and S. L. Tie, “Enhanced second harmonic generation of MoS2 layers on a thin gold film”, Nanoscale 7 (32), 13547–13553 (2015).

  3. H. Li, C. Y. Zhang, X. F. Li, J. Xiang, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, “Enhanced upconversion luminescence from ZnO/Zn hybrid nanostructures induced on a Zn foil by femtosecond laser ablation,” Opt. Express 23 (23), 30118–30126 (2015).

  4. J. Dai, M. H. Yuan, J. H. Zeng, Q. F. Dai, S. Lan*, C. Xiao, S. L. Tie, “Three-photon-induced blue emission with narrow bandwidth from hot flower-like ZnO nanorods,” Opt. Express 23 (22), 29231-29244 (2015).

  5. M. H. Yuan, H. H. Fan, Q. F. Dai, S. Lan*, X. Wan, and S. L. Tie, “Upconversion luminescence from aluminoborate glasses doped with Tb3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+ under the excitation of 2.6-μm femtosecond laser pulses,” Opt. Express 23 (17), 21909-21918 (2015).
