


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2021-03-04 15:48:21来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. W. J. Zhuang, S. L. Li, F. Deng, G. C. Li, S. L. Tie, S. Lan*, "Laser writing of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals mediated by closely-packed Au nanoislan", Applied Surface Science 538, 148143 (2021).

  2. H. X. Huang, F. Deng, J. Xiang, S. L. Li, S. Lan*, "Plasmon-exciton coupling in dielectric-metal hybrid nanocavities with an embedded two-dimensional material", Applied Surface Science 542, 148660 (2021).

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  3. P. T. Wen, Y. Xu, S. L. Li, M. C. Panmai, J. Xiang*, S. L. Tie, S. Lan**, "Two-dimensional closely-packed gold nanoislands A platform for optical data storage and carbon dot generation", Applied Surface Science 555, 149586 (2021).

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  4. S. L. Li, M. H. Yuan, W. J. Zhuang, X. Zhao,  S. L. Tie, J. Xiang, and S. Lan*, "Optically-Controlled Quantum Size Effect in a Hybrid Nanocavity Composed of a Perovskite Nanoparticle and a Thin Gold Film", Laser & Photonics Reviews, 15 (3), 2000480 (2021).

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  5. S. L. Li, M. C. Panmai, S. L. Tie, Y. Xu, J. Xiang, and S. Lan*, "Regulating disordered plasmonic nanoparticles into polarization sensitive metasurfaces", Nanophotonics 10 (5), 1553 (2021).

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  6. G. Li, J. Xiang, Y. Zhang, F. Deng, M. Panmai, W. Zhuang, S. Lan*, and D. Y. Lei*, "Mapping the Magnetic Field Intensity of Light with the Nonlinear Optical Emission of a Silicon Nanoparticle", Nano Letters 21 (6), 2453-2460 (2021).

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  7. J. Xiang, M. Panmai, S. Bai, Y. H. Ren, G. Li, S. Li, J. Liu, J. Li*, M. Zeng, J. She, Y. Xu, and S. Lan*, "Crystalline Silicon White Light Sources Driven by Optical Resonances", Nano Letters 21 (6), 2397 (2021).

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  8. J. Xu, H. Fan, Q. Dai, H. Liu* and S. Lan, "Toroidal dipole response in the individual silicon hollow cylinder under radially polarized beam excitation", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (21), 215102 (2021).

  9. H. Pang, H. Huang, L. Zhou, Y. Mao, F. Deng*, and S. Lan*, "Strong Dipole–Quadrupole–Exciton Coupling Realized in a Gold Nanorod Dimer Placed on a Two-Dimensional Material", Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1619 (2021).

  10. S. Li, L. Zhou, M. Panmai, J. Xiang, and S. Lan*, "Magnetic plasmons induced in a dielectric-metal heterostructure by optical magnetism", Nanophotonics 10 (10), 2639 (2021).

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  11. G. Li, D. Lei*, M. Qiu, W. Jin, S. Lan, and A. V. Zayats*, "Light-induced symmetry breaking for enhancing second-harmonic generation from an ultrathin plasmonic nanocavity", Nature Communications 12 (1), 4326 (2021). (华南师范大学为第一完成单位)

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  12. J. Xiang*, S. Li, Z. Sun, J. Chen, L. Chen, M. Panmai, G. Li, and S. Lan*, "Efficient White Light Emission from Ga/Ga2O3 Hybrid Nanoparticle", Advanced Optical Materials (21), 2100675 (2021).

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  13. J. Wang, Z. Liu*, J. Xiang, B. Chen, Y. Wei, W. Liu, Y. Xu, S. Lan and J. Liu, "Ultraviolet second harmonic generation from Mie-resonant lithium niobate nanospheres", Nanophotonics 10 (17), 4273 (2021). (中山大学为第一完成单位)

  14. X. Ouyang, Y. Xu, M. Xian, Z. Feng, L. Zhu, Y. Cao, S. Lan, B. Guan, C. Qiu, M. Gu* and X. Li*, "Synthetic helical dichroism for six-dimensional optical orbital angular momentum multiplexing", Nature Photonics 15 (12), 901 (2021). (暨南大学为第一完成单位)

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  15. F. Xue, H. Fan, Q. Dai, H. Liu* and S. Lan, "Broadband unidirectional scattering in the transverse direction and angular radiation realized by using a silicon hollow nanodisk under a radially polarized beam", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (9), 095111 (2021).
