


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2016-01-06 11:17:47来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. X. S. Lin, J. L. Liu, Y. B. Zheng, S. Lan, “Modulation of Junction Defects Created by Crossing Photonic Crystal Waveguides,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 (1), 014206 (2013).

  2. C. Q. Li, C. Y. Zhang, Z. S. Huang, X. F. Li, Q. F. Dai, S. Lan*, S. L. Tie, “Assembling of Silicon Nanoflowers with Significantly Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation Using Silicon Nanospheres Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Ablation,” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 24625 (2013).

  3. R. R. Lin, Y. B. Xu, H. Y. Liu, S. Lan*, A. V. Gopal, “Strong localization of terahertz wave and significant enhancement in electric field achieved in U-shaped resonators with a large aspect ratio,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 123505 (2013).

  4. L. Chen, G. C. Li, G. Y. Liu, Q. F. Dai, S. Lan*, S. L. Tie, H. D. Deng, “Sensing the Moving Direction, Position, Size, and Material Type of Nanoparticles with the Two-Photon-Induced Luminescence of a Single Gold Nanorod,” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 20146-20153 (2013).

  5. J. Dai, Q. F. Dai, J. H. Zeng, S. Lan*, X. Wan, S. L. Tie, Q. F. Dai, J. H Zeng, S. Lan, “Negative Slope for Second Harmonic Generation Observed at High Excitation Intensities in ZnO Nanorods,” IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 49, 903 (2013).

  6. C. Zhang, J. Yao, S. Lan*, V. A. Trofimov, T. M. Lysak, “Effects of plasma confinement on the femtosecond laser ablation of silicon,” Opt. Commun. 308, 54-63 (2013).

  7. J. Dai, J. H. Zeng, S. Lan*, X. Wan, S. L. Tie, “Competition between second harmonic generation and two-photon-induced luminescence in single, double and multiple ZnO nanorods,” Opt. Express 21 (8), 10025-10038 (2013).

  8. G. C. Li, C. Y. Zhang, H. D. Deng, G. Y. Liu, S. Lan*, Q. Qian, Z. M. Yang, Achanta Venu Gopal, “Efficient three-photon luminescence with strong polarization dependence from a scintillating silicate glass co-doped with Gd3+ and Tb3+,” Opt. Express 21 (5), 6020-6027 (2013).

  9. C. Y. Zhang, J. W. Yao, C. Q. Li, Q. F. Dai, S. Lan*, V. A. Trofimov, T. M. Lysak, “Asymmetric femtosecond laser ablation of silicon surface governed by the evolution of surface nanostructures,” Opt. Express 21 (4), 4439-4446 (2013).

  10. H. D. Deng, G. C. Li, Q. F. Dai, M. Ouyang, S. Lan*, V. A. Trofimov, T. M. Lysak, “Size dependent competition between second harmonic generation and two-photon luminescence observed in gold nanoparticles,” Nanotechnology 24 (7), 075201 (2013).

  11. X.Wan, M. Yuan, S. Tie, S. Lan, “Effects of catalyst characters on the photocatalytic activity and process of NiO nanoparticles in the degradation of methylene blue,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 277, 40–46 (2013).
