


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2019-02-20 20:35:40来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. J. Chen, J. Xiang, S. Jiang, Q. Dai, S. Tie, and S. Lan*, "Multipole Radiations from Large Gold Nanospheres Excited by Evanescent Wave", Nanomaterials 9 (2), 175 (2019).

  2. J. Xiang, J. Chen, S. Jiang, M. Panmai, P. Li, Y. Xu, Q. Dai, S. Tie, and S. Lan*, "Liquid Gallium Nanospheres Emitting White Light", Laser & Photonics Reviews 13 (5), 1800214 (2019).

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  3. Y. B. Zheng, H. Liu, J. Li, J. Xiang, M. Panmai, Q. Dai, Y. Xu, S. Tie* and S. Lan*, "Controllable Formation of Luminescent Carbon QuantumDots Mediated by the Fano Resonances Formed inOligomers of Gold Nanoparticles", Advanced Materials 31 (30), 1901371 (2019).

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  4. C. Li, H. Fan, Q. Dai*, Z. Wei*, S. Lan and H. Liu*, "Multipole Resonance in Arrays of Diamond Dielectric A Metamaterial Perfect Absorber in the Visible Regime", Nanomaterials 9 (9), 1222 (2019).
