


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2017-01-02 11:20:30来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. H Li, X. F. Li, C. Y. Zhang, S.L. Tie, and S. Lan*,“Narrow titanium oxide nanowires induced by femtosecond laser pulses on a titanium surface,” Applied Surface Science 396, 221 (2017).

  2. Y. B. Zheng, H. Y. Liu, J. Xiang, Q. F. Dai, M. Ouyang, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, "Hot luminescence from gold nanoflowers and its application in high-density optical data storage," Opt. Express 25 (8), 9262 (2017).

  3. H. F. Liu, M. C. Panmai, Y. Y. Peng, and S. Lan*, "Optical pulling and pushing forces exerted on silicon nanospheres with strong coherent interaction between electric and magnetic resonances," Opt. Express 25 (11), 12357 (2017).

  4. Z. M. Chen, H. F. Fan, J. X. Li, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*,"Photothermal therapy of single cancer cells mediated by naturally created gold nanorod clusters," Opt. Express 25 (13), 15093 (2017).

  5. J. Xiang, S. Jiang, J. D. Chen, J. X. Li, Q. F. Dai, C. Y. Zhang, Y. Xu, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, "Hot-Electron Intraband Luminescence from GaAs Nanospheres Mediated by Magnetic Dipole Resonances," Nano Letters 17 (8), 4853 (2017).

  6. Q. F. Dai, M. Ouyang, W. G. Yuan, J. X. Li, B. H. Guo, S. Lan*, S. H. Liu, Q. M. Zhang, G. Lu, S. L. Tie*, H. D. Deng, Y. Xu, and M. Gu*, "Encoding Random Hot Spots of a Volume Gold Nanorod Assembly for Ultralow Energy Memory," Advanced Materials 29 (35), 1701918 (2017).

    Supporting information

  7. Di Zhang, Jin Xiang, Hongfeng Liu, Fu Deng, Haiying Liu*, Min Ouyang, Haihua Fan, and Qiaofeng Dai, "Magnetic Fano resonance of heterodimer nanostructure by azimuthally polarized excitation," Opt. Express 25 (22), 26704 (2018).
