


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2016-02-18 21:44:54来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. D. Deng, Q. Guo, S. Lan, and X. Yang, “Application of the multiscale singular perturbation method to nonparaxial beam propagations in free space,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24 (10), 3317-3325 (2007).

  2. S. Ouyang, Q. Guo, S. Lan, and L. Wu, “The solutions of the strongly nonlocal spatial solitons with several types of nonlocal response functions,” Chin. Phys. 16 (8), 2325-3330 (2007).

  3. S. Ouyang, Q. Guo, L. Wu, and S. Lan, “Conservation laws of the generalized nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation,” Chin. Phys. 16 (8), 2331-3337 (2007).

  4. H. Liu, S. Lan*, L. Wu, Q. Guo, W. Hu, S. Liu, X. Lin, and A. Gopal, “Self-induced Anderson localization and optical limiting in photonic crystal coupled cavity waveguides with Kerr nonlinearity,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (21), 213507 (2007).

  5. H. Yin, X. Yang, Q. Guo, and S. Lan, “Optical transmission through generalized SML superlattices,” J. Phys. :Condens. Matter 19 (19), 356221 (2007).

  6. D. Deng, X. Zhao, Q. Guo, and S. Lan, “Hermite-Gaussian breathers and solitons in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 (9), 2537-2544 (2007).
