


华南师范大学微纳研究小组/科研成果2016-01-06 11:23:26来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文

  1. Jiao-Hua Lu, Zi-Ming Meng, Hai-Ying Liu, Tian-Hua Feng, Qiao-Feng Dai, Li-Jun Wu, Qi Guo, Wei Hu, and Sheng Lan*, “Modifying the spontaneous emission rate of micrometer-sized light sources using hollow-core photonic crystal fibers,” Chin. Phys. B 18, 4333 (2009).

  2. Zi-Ming Meng, Hai-Ying Liu, Wei-Ren Zhao, Wei Zhang, Hai-Dong Deng, Qiao-Feng Dai, Li-Jun Wu, Sheng Lan*, and Achanta Venu Gopal, “Effects of optical forces on the transmission of magnetic fluids investigated by Z-scan technique,” J. Appl. Phys. 106, 044905 (2009).

  3. Zheng-Qi Liu, Tian-Hua Feng, Qiao-Feng Dai, Li-Jun Wu, and Sheng Lan*, “Fabrication of high-quality three-dimensional photonic crystal heterostructures,” Chin. Phys. B 18, 2383 (2009).

  4. Qiao-Feng Dai, Hai-Ying Liu, Jin Liu, Li-Jun Wu, Qi Guo, Wei Hu, Xiang-Bo Yang, Song-Hao Liu, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, and Vyacheslav A. Trofimov, “Influence of trapping power and scanning speed on the quality of ordered structures formed in Z-scan-based optical trapping,” Europhys. Lett. 85, 18004 (2009).

  5. Lai-Dong Jiang, Qiao-Feng Dai, Tian-Hua Feng, Jin Liu, Li-Jun Wu, Sheng Lan*, A. V. Gopal, V. Trofimov A, “In-Situ Characteriz ation of Three-Dimensional Optical Matters by Light Diffraction,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 (7), 074201 (2009).

  6. Qian Shou, Yanbin Liang, Qun Jiang, Yajian Zheng, Sheng Lan, Wei Hu, Qi Guo, “Boundary force exerted on spatial solitons in cylindrical strongly nonlocal media,” Opt. Lett. 34 (22), 3523-3525 (2009).

  7. Yi Xu, Xiao-Jun Chen, Sheng Lan, Qiao-Feng Dai, Qi Guo, Li-Jun Wu, “Polarization-independent self-collimation based on pill-void photonic crystals with square symmetry,” Opt. Express 17 (6), 4903-12 (2009).

  8. Xiao-Jun Chen, Yi Xu, Sheng Lan, Qiao-Feng Dai, Xu-Sheng Lin, Qi Guo, Li-Jun Wu, “Rotation of defocused wide-field fluorescence images after blinking in single CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots,” Phys. Rev. B 79, 115312 (2009).

  9. Yun-Song Zhou, Ben-Yuan Gu, Huai-Yu Wang, Sheng Lan, “Multi-reflection process of extraordinary optical transmission in a single subwavelength metal slit,” Europhys. Lett. 85, 24005 (2009).
