

向进 2017级博士

华南师范大学微纳研究小组/毕业学生2019-10-18 13:46:06来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文




2010年-2014年    青岛理工大学   理学院              学士

2014.09-2017.07     华南师范大学    信息光电子科技学院  硕士

2017.09-2019.07     华南师范大学    信息光电子科技学院  博士


J. Xiang, J. X. Li, H. Li, C. Y. Zhang, Q. F. Dai, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, “Polarization beam splitters, converters and analyzers based on a metasurface composed of regularly arranged silicon nanospheres with controllable coupling strength,”Opt. Express 24(11), 11420–11434 (2016).

J. Xiang, S. Jiang, J. D. Chen, J. X. Li, Q. F. Dai, C. Y. Zhang, Y. Xu, S. L. Tie, and S. Lan*, "Hot-Electron Intraband Luminescence from GaAs Nanospheres Mediated by Magnetic Dipole Resonances" Nano Lett. (2017).

Jin Xiang, Juntao Li, Zhenpeng Zhou, Shuai Jiang, Jingdong Chen, Qiaofeng Dai, ShaoLong Tie, Sheng Lan*, and Xuehua Wang*, Manipulating the Orientations of the Electric and Magnetic Dipoles Induced in Silicon Nanoparticles for Multicolor Display. Laser Photonics Rev., 2018.

Jin Xiang, Jingdong Chen, Shuai Jiang, Mingcheng Panmai, Peilian Li, Yi Xu,Qiaofeng Dai, Shaolong Tie, and Sheng Lan*,Liquid Gallium Nanospheres Emitting White LightLaser & Photonics Reviews, 2019.
